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Message to Congress of Russian Americans

Congress of Russian Americans - Russian  in San Francisco CA

Congress of Russian Americans

(415) 928-5841
(415) 928-5841

About Congress of Russian Americans

The Congress of Russian Americans (CRA) is a national non-profit organization founded in 1973 to preserve and promote Russian culture, language and spiritual heritage, combat Russophobia, improve US-Russia relations and is the recognized voice of Russian Americans in the US.

The Congress of Russian Americans, Inc. (CRA) founded in 1973, by a group of concerned Russian Americans, is a national organization with membership throughout the United States. Its members are US citizens and permanent residents of Russian descent who are non-Communist in their beliefs. The personal and social lives of most members are firmly rooted in religious Christian Orthodox values which reject all racial, nationalistic, ethnic, or religious antagonism.


Primary Office Location

pin 2460 Sutter Street San Francisco CA 94115

pin (415) 928-5841

Social Media

Twitter page for Congress of Russian Americans - Russian  in San Francisco
Message Congress of Russian Americans
(415) 928-5841