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Message to Consulate General of Russia in San Francisco

Consulate General of Russia in San Francisco - Russian  in San Francisco CA

Consulate General of Russia in San Francisco

Government of Russia
(415) 928-6878
(415) 928-6878


Government Embassies and Consulates
Practice Areas

About Consulate General of Russia in San Francisco

The main goals and functions of the Consulate General are the following:- to protect the rights and the interests of Russia, its citizens and legal entities, to render them help and assistance;

- to promote trade‚ economic‚ cultural and scientific relations between Russia and the United States;

- to deliver in the consular district the official information about the internal and foreign policy of Russia, its socio-economic, cultural and spiritual life;

- to provide visa and passport services in accordance with the Russian Law;

- to conduct within its power notary actions‚ state registration of acts of civil status‚ institution of custody or tutelage‚ validation of documents;

- to participate in preparations for the intergovernmental exchanges and visits of the official delegations.

Jurisdiction: Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon and Utah.


Primary Office Location

pin 2790 Green Street San Francisco CA 94123

pin (415) 928-6878

Social Media

Twitter page for Consulate General of Russia in San Francisco - Russian  in San Francisco Facebook page for Consulate General of Russia in San Francisco - Russian  in San Francisco
Message Consulate General of Russia in San Francisco
(415) 928-6878