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Message to East-West Connections

East-West Connections - Russian  in Elk River MN

East-West Connections

(763) 441-4689
(763) 441-4689

About East-West Connections

East-West Connections (formerly RABCC) fosters understanding and connections among the peoples of Minnesota, Russia and the Republics of the Former Soviet Union (FSU) through events, education and citizen diplomacy.

East-West Connections sponsors events that highlight the rich history, culture and current situation in Russia, Former Soviet Republics, and émigré communities from these regions. We also help people in Minnesota, Russia, and Former Soviet Republics to connect and build relationships; from concerts and conferences to sister-city exchanges and business delegation visits, such ‘citizen diplomacy’ can illuminate our common concerns and humanity while promoting mutual understanding and cooperation.


Primary Office Location

pin 421 196th Dr NW Elk River MN 55330

pin (763) 441-4689

Social Media

Facebook page for East-West Connections - Russian  in Elk River Instagram page for East-West Connections - Russian  in Elk River
Message East-West Connections
(763) 441-4689