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Message to Free Russia Foundation

Free Russia Foundation - Russian  in Washington DC

Free Russia Foundation

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About Free Russia Foundation

Free Russia Foundation is an international organization supporting civil society and democratic development in Russia.

Our vision is a free, democratic, peaceful and prosperous Russia, reintegrated into the international community as a constructive and positive actor.

Founded in 2014, Free Russia Foundation unites and coordinates the global efforts of activists, organizations and programs that share our vision.

We actively support political development and economic reforms, and defend democracies against autocratic threats— in countries neighboring Russia, throughout Europe, and worldwide— as we see the success of these processes directly linked with progress in Russia.

Our current programmatic geographies include Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, South Caucasus, Central Asia, Europe, North America.

We provide actionable analysis and in-depth expertise to the decision-makers in Europe, the US and Canada— in support of a smarter, sustainable Russia policy.

Free Russia Foundation is not affiliated with any government. We are a non-partisan and non-profit organization registered as a 501C3. Free Russia Foundation’s work is supported by charitable giving of individuals and organizations, grants and volunteer work.


Primary Office Location

pin 1015 15 Street NW, Suite 600 Washington DC 20004


Social Media

Twitter page for Free Russia Foundation - Russian  in Washington Twitter page for Free Russia Foundation - Russian  in Washington Facebook page for Free Russia Foundation - Russian  in Washington Instagram page for Free Russia Foundation - Russian  in Washington
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