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Message to Russian American Community Services Association of SF, Inc.

Russian American Community Services Association of SF, Inc. - Russian  in San Francisco CA

Russian American Community Services Association of SF, Inc.

(415) 387-5336
(415) 387-5336

About Russian American Community Services Association of SF, Inc.

RACS was founded in 1977 as a Community Center for needs of socially, culturally and linguistically isolated Russian Seniors. Started as a “Soup kitchen” organization developed over the years into significant support center with Congregate Meals program for Seniors and Adults with Disabilities, Home Delivered Meals program, Home Delivered Grocery program and as an “umbrella” to all of them – Community Services Program. For Several decades RACS became the well-known place where Russian Speaking Seniors and Adults with disabilities in need can find food and help in various difficult situations.

Russian food, cooked onsite from scratch by our academy trained chief, entices clients of all races but especially attractive to our target clientele - Russian Seniors. It is a great convenience for the clients when the Community Services are combined with Congregate Meals Program.


Primary Office Location

pin 300 Anza Street San Francisco CA 94118

pin (415) 387-5336


Message Russian American Community Services Association of SF, Inc.
(415) 387-5336